Turkey in the European Union : consequences for agriculture, food, rural areas and structural policy : final report 1 December 2004 / by Arie Oskam, Alison Burrell, Tuğrul Temel, Siemen van Berkum, Natasha Longworth, Irene Molina Vilchez - [Wageningen]: [Wageningen University, 2004 - xxx, 253 pages : figure, map, table; 28 cm

Report Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

The report provides an overview of Turkey's agricultural and food sectors, and its rural areas. Taking Turkey's accession to the European Union in 2015 as a working hypothesis, it explores the consequences relating to these sectors for both Turkey and the EU. The analysis is based on the existing scientific and policy literature, and other information sources. The report is complementary to studies done by the European Commission, and uses an approach that emphasises long-term processes and institutional developments. Agriculture and food are likely to be prominent in future membership negotiations. Turkey is the world's third largest exporter of fruit and vegetables, and agriculture accounts for one third of Turkey's working population. Issues such as animal and plant health, environment and food safety will require sensitive handling. Moreover, the policy areas covered in the report currently take about 80% of the total EU budget.


European Union--Turkey

Agriculture and state--Turkey
Agriculture--Economic aspects--Turkey

HD2056.7.Z8 / T873 2005 HD2056.7.Z8 / T873 2005

338.18561 TU 2004 / 01754
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